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ACL simply stands for Anterior (the front) Cruciate (like a cross) Ligament (a strong, fibrous band of tissue that connects bones, in this case the...

If the muscles of the calf are overstretched or torn, we refer to the injury as a calf strain. The most common location for this...

Did you know that 4 out of 5 people will suffer from lower back pain during their lives? It is a common reason that our...

There is no doubt that dislocating a joint is a painful experience. Whether from a nasty fall, a car accident, or during a game of...

Are you an avid netball or basketball player? There’s a good chance you have had a lateral ankle sprain (or anterior talo-fibular ligament (ATFL) sprain)...

Have you been experiencing elbow pain, without an obvious cause as to why? You may be suffering from tennis elbow....

The terms Skier’s Thumb and Gamekeeper’s Thumb both refer to injury of a ligament at the base of the thumb. The ligament is called the...

Despite the name, Osgood-Schlatter Disease (OSD) is not a disease at all - it’s a common knee injury that affects children and teenagers....