19 Jan January ’22 Newsletter

Happy New Year! We hope you had a relaxing break with your family and friends! We are ready to kick start 2022 and have some great classes on offer. We also share some back to school health tips, to help Term 1 start on the right foot!

ONERO classes
ONERO classes are starting at the end of the month so this is your last chance to enrol for Term 1!
ONERO is an exercise program developed for people with osteopaenia and osteoporosis, designed to help reduce the risk of fractures. We work on building balance, muscle strength and, most notably, bone density. The program is evidence-based and involves supervised, high intensity resistance and impact training, that is tailored for people with osteoporosis. With groups of no more than 8 people, we offer consistent support and monitor you progress.
Don’t forget! We need a referral from your GP or endocrinologist, including your latest bone density scan results to complete your enrolment. If you have any questions, we are happy to help!
Start date: 31st January
Initial assessment (for new members): $160
Cost per class: $35 (2 classes/week for 10 weeks)
Call us at (02) 9438 1782 or email enquiries@stleonardsphysio.com.au to secure your spot today!
Group therapy is back!
We want you to feel your best in 2022, so why not join one of our group therapy classes?!
Group therapy is a specific form of exercise involving the conscious control of all muscular movements. We have developed a unique assessment process that helps to determine any musculoskeletal problems and tailor an exercise program specifically for your body!
Our group exercise classes help restore natural movement patterns and resolve pain or injury. We cater for people of all abilities, with beginner, intermediate and advanced classes on offer.
Classes are available from 7:30am-7pm weekdays, costing $50 per class or $450 per term.
Don’t delay! Call us on (02) 9438 1782 or email enquiries@stleonardsphysio.com.au to enrol for Term 1!
Care Plans: What is an Enhanced Primary Care Plan?
An Enhanced Primary care plan, known as an EPC, was a Medicare scheme. It helped people claim some of the costs of their allied health service. This included physio, osteo, chiro, podiatrists, dietitians and more. Back in 2005, the Government removed EPC’s from the Medicare Benefits Schedule. They replaced it with something called a Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDM). Now us Australians are creatures of habit, and of course this new term never took off. So, everyone still refers to their care plan (or CDM) as an EPC (confusing right!).
We break it all down for you in this month’s blog post – check it out here!
The Education Quarter
Here we go again! The kids are heading back to school, and it’s either a huge sigh of relief or an inward groan depending on your perspective and situation. But whether you’re bundling out the door, preparing for another round of homeschooling or tearfully waving your little angels off at the school gate for the first time (it’ll get easier fast, trust us), there are a few things you can do to get this term off to the healthiest possible start.
1. Get the right backpack
Obviously your kid is going to want the one in the coolest colours with this month’s favourite character on the front, but it also needs to be sturdy enough to carry all their belongings, and comfortable for them to wear. Look for one with wide shoulder straps, make sure they wear it on both shoulders, and adjust the straps so that the weight of all those books is supported evenly and securely.
2. Set up their homework environment
Whether you’re homeschooling your kids permanently or temporarily (thanks Covid), or you’re just looking for somewhere for them to do their homework in the evenings, make sure they’re not sprawled on the sofa or the floor but have an environment that supports their back and joints. Their desk and chair need to be at the right height so they can sit with their back straight, feet flat on the floor, elbows at right angles and hips slightly open. An adjustable desk and chair can be a good choice so they can last your growing child. Make sure the top of any screen they’re working from is at eye level so they are looking straight ahead with their neck held softly. And get them to take regular breaks from the screen!
3. Check their shoes
Why do kids grow out of everything so fast?! School shoes are one of the most annoying things to keep replacing because they’re expensive and you can’t get away with ones that are just a tiny bit off like you can with their other clothes. But it really is important to make sure their shoes fit correctly. Badly fitting shoes can damage the development of the foot and affect the way they walk – which can cause injuries in other areas of the leg, knee, hip… you name it. Get their feet measured regularly, choose shoes that are comfortable and easy to move around in, and ones with non-slip soles that can help reduce the likelihood of falls.
Good luck, parents!
Whatever questions and concerns you have about your child’s physical wellbeing, we’re always here to talk. Call us on (02) 9438 1782 or email enquiries@stleonardsphysio.com.au and we’ll do our best to answer any questions you have.
Happy to help.
If you’d like to book an appointment, or have questions about any pain or injury you may be experiencing, please get in touch.