January ’21 Newsletter

January ’21 Newsletter

Somehow it is 2021 already! Here it is, our first newsletter of the year – that came around quickly! This month’s newsletter has all you need to know about how we’re kick-starting the year.  Below you’ll find our safety update, farewell to Hannah and information on our new recruits. Lastly, read more about our ONERO program, and how we’re using our new clinic space over the holidays. Enjoy! 😊 

Welcome to 2021 at St Leonards Physiotherapy – Safety reminder 

Happy New Year from all of us here at St Leonards Physio. While Christmas and New Year celebrations looked different for many of us, we hope you enjoyed time to rest and reflect. Below is more about the Government requirements for coming to see us, and some helpful reminders. 

-Masks are now required 

As you are probably all aware, masks are now required in greater Sydney. NSW Health advises that general practitioners and other primary health care professionals should wear masks for all clinical encounters when there is active community transmission. So, when visiting our clinic, we ask you to please bring your own mask to wear and sanitise hands on entry.  

-Paediatric clients  

Just a friendly reminder for parents of paediatric patients to please avoid bringing siblings to appointments. We understand it isn’t possible in every case, but where possible, please only bring the child the appointment is booked for. 

-Our safety measures 

Our safety measures have not changed. We continue to clean and sanitise beds and equipment after every patient, wipe down pens and surfaces, and clean communal areas regularly. Our practitioners will be wearing masks and continue to wash and sanitise hands before and after each patient. If you are experiencing even the mildest of symptoms, please stay at home and call us. We can organise a telehealth appointment, or book in another time when your symptoms have passed. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us on 94381782 or enquiries@stleonardsphysio.com.au. 

New starts and new recruits 

‘New year, new start’ couldn’t be more apt for our front of house team – Hannah, our current secretary is leaving us for pastures new, to start at university in Canberra. All the team at St Leonards Physiotherapy wish her the best of luck in her studies and her new adventure!  

Cheryl, our newest recruit, will be taking on Hannah’s responsibilities alongside Charlotte, who will be working with us while she studies Physiotherapy at university. 

We also look forward to welcoming Kylie Fish, our newest Paediatric Physiotherapist who starts with us on the 8th February. She joins Liz, Jan and Requel who offer a range of Paediatric treatments for babies, children and adolescents. Once Kylie has settled in we’ll be sure to tell you more about her in February! 

A very warm welcome to all our new starters! 

Watch this (ONERO) space! 

While many of us managed to relax and unwind over the holidays, our ONERO instructors and the first groups of attendees were working hard, trying out our new dedicated ONERO space in our holiday classes, which we’re pleased to say were a huge success! 

Term 1 of ONERO at St Leonards Physiotherapy kicks off on the first week of February, and we’re in the process of adding more classes as the program is proving very popular. There are still some finishing touches to be made to the new space so please stay posted for the big reveal and added class dates! 

We’re very pleased to be offering ONERO classes for those with osteopenia and osteoporosis, an exercise program, specially developed to reduce fracture risk, by building balance, muscle strength and most notably, bone density. 

If you would like more information about the classes, please contact 9438 1782 or enquiries@stleonardsphysio.com.au 

The Education Quarter

Tennis elbow vs golfers elbow – What’s the difference? 

Tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow. Two causes of elbow pain that are associated with sports, even though you don’t ever need to play either sport to experience one of these conditions. Both involve inflammation of the tendons that attach to the elbow, and are caused by repetitive motion of the arms and wrist. But what are the differences between them, and how can you tell which, if either, you have? 

Below we have shared the main attributes, symptoms, causes and treatments for each elbow condition, as well as what you can do to help prevent both. 


The most noticeable difference between the two conditions is the area of the elbow that they affect. 

Tennis elbow causes pain in the outside of the elbow and forearm. This is due to strain to the extensor carpi radialis brevis and extensor digitorum tendons of the forearm, which extend and stabilise the wrist. 

Golfer’s elbow on the other hand, will cause pain on the inside of the elbow and forearm as the inside tendons of the forearm (which flex your wrist and contract your fingers when you grip something) have been overused. 

Tennis elbow is most common in people aged 30-50, whereas golfer’s elbow predominantly affects people over the age of 40. 


Both conditions will cause pain in your elbow that usually radiates down your forearm. In tennis elbow, this pain will begin on the outside of your elbow, whereas in golfer’s elbow you will feel the pain on the inside of your elbow and arm. 

There are a few other signs and symptoms which are common in each condition: 

  • Pain when you reach for, grasp or lift something
  • Weakness in your forearm or a weak grip
  • A dull ache when resting 



Both elbow conditions are caused by repetitive movements which overuse certain muscles and tendons. ‘Overuse’ is considered to be high-level activity of 30 minutes or more, performed three or more times per week. However, the movements that cause each condition are different. 

Tennis elbow can be caused by impact motions, such as hitting a ball with a tennis racket (or badminton racket or baseball bat) and throwing motions (javelin and discus throwers are prone to the condition). Repetitive lifting or turning of the wrist can also lead to tennis elbow, making plumbers, painters, builders and hairdressers particularly susceptible. Regular typing can have the same effect. 

Golfer’s elbow is predominantly brought on by repeated lifting movements, especially where the elbow is extended and the palm is face down. Gardening, digging, assembly line work and throwing a ball are common causes, and if you are lifting weights with a poor technique then you are more at risk of this condition. 


The good news is that both tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow are very treatable.

There are a few things that you can do at home to reduce the pain: 

  • Rest your arm
  • Apply ice to reduce the inflammation
  • Take anti-inflammatory painkillers, such as ibuprofen (always check with your doctor first) 

However, both conditions can take weeks or even months to recover from, and can worsen if not treated effectively. 

Your best course of action is to see a physiotherapist, who can help you with exercises to stretch and strengthen the forearm muscles and reduce strain on the inflamed tendons. Your physio will also advise you of how you can adjust your arm movements in future to avoid this happening again. 


Although we’re more than happy to help you with your elbow pain, we’d ideally like you not to experience it in the first place. 

Here are a few steps you can take to prevent tennis and golfer’s elbow: 

  • Regular stretching and strengthening exercises for the muscles of your forearm 
  • If your job involves the kinds of movements discussed above, talk to your manager about safety precautions that can be put in place 
  • Take regular breaks from any repetitive arm motions and stretch your muscles 
  • If you are performing regular sports activities, make sure your technique is correct and seek professional coaching or advice to improve your movements and check that your equipment is appropriate for your needs 

If you are experiencing pain in your elbow, do not leave it until further damage has occurred. Get in touch with us straight away by calling 9438 1782 and we can start your road to recovery. 


Happy to help.

If you’d like to book an appointment, or have questions about any pain or injury you may be experiencing, please get in touch.