15 Feb February ’22 Newsletter

It’s February, which means 2022 is in full swing! With World Cancer Day in mind, we are highlighting our cancer rehab physiotherapy services. And because it is also the month of love, we focus on our littlest loves – physiotherapy for children and adolescents. Lastly, in the education quarter, we explain one of the most common shoulder injuries – supraspinatus impingement (what a mouthful!).

Physiotherapy for cancer
Going through cancer treatment and recovery is a challenging time in many ways. Both the disease and treatment can cause a number of symptoms. Physiotherapy can address some of these symptoms to help improve your quality of life.
We are providers of the STEEL cancer rehab course, which focuses on:
- Increasing energy
- Fitness
- Strength
- Motivation
- Pelvic floor activation
- Core activation
- Pain reduction
We work with you to develop an individual care plan that supports your needs and goals.
For more information about our cancer rehab physiotherapy services, visit our website.
Paediatric physiotherapy
We love our little people! Our paediatric physiotherapists are widely experienced in the treatment of babies, children, and adolescents. We assess your child’s individual needs through a play-based assessment, then develop a treatment program to help your child regain optimal function. We use fun and play to improve strength, function, and skills.
Treatment can be individual or in a group setting, including:
- Paediatric gym at St Leonards Physiotherapy
- Home visits
- Day care, preschool and schools
- Aquatic Physiotherapy
- Baby Education classes.
Give us a call on (02) 9438 1782 or email enquiries@stleonardsphysio.com.au to find out more.
The Education Quarter
Injury blog: Supraspinatus impingement
Supraspinatus (soo-pruh-spi-nay-tus) impingement is one of the most common shoulder injuries. Around 20% of people experience symptoms at some point in their lives. Luckily, shoulder impingements respond well to physiotherapy, and we are here to help!
What is a supraspinatus impingement?
The supraspinatus is one of four rotator cuff muscles. An impingement occurs when the space between the tip of the shoulder blade and the rotator cuff narrows. This causes a ‘pinching’ or rubbing of the supraspinatus tendon. When jammed, the impingement results in pain, usually from the front of the shoulders to the side of the arm. Pain may occur during activity or at rest.
The rotator cuff is responsible for holding your arm in place in your shoulder socket. People with poor shoulder and spine mechanics can be more prone to injury. Any activity that involves lifting, pushing down or reaching overhead can cause an impingement. Impingement can be acute from injury or longer term from repetitive strain or ageing.
Sports like swimming, tennis and baseball that require repeated overhead and forceful arm movements put participants at higher risk. The same goes for jobs like builders, painters and cleaners (which includes household chores like putting up washing!).
Don’t put up with shoulder pain, get in touch today! Call us on (02) 9438 1782 or email enquiries@stleonardsphysio.com.au to book your appointment!
Happy to help.
If you’d like to book an appointment, or have questions about any pain or injury you may be experiencing, please get in touch.